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Dec 18th - Dec 22nd - 5 Days That Will Live in Infamy
While I found the whole article entertaining, I laughed the hardest at the Cessna line. Seriously. Still makes me chuckle.
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Gold. Can we charge the bill to Pittsburgh? They're already incurring expenses so they won't notice.
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Ummmmm... the MGM Grand Las Vegas didn't open till 1993... I was there the first month... just sayin'....
Funny stuff, Matt.
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Dec 18th - Dec 22nd - 5 Days That Will Live in Infamy
(Las Vegas) - In what can be considered one of the wildest weeks ever seen in Las Vegas, much less baseball history, the annual BLB Winter Meetings finally came to a close on Sunday. All though a relief to many, those especially thankful this holiday season are the MGM casino security, the Las Vegas Police Department, and the ladies of Sapphire and Deja Vu Showgirls.
It started quite innocently as the GM's started touching down at McCarran International one after another on Wednesday the 18th. Baltimore was the first to touch down at 7:30 A.M. in their brand new 'Super-Deluxe' 747. Then came Batavia in their Cessna 172. A short time later the champion Colonials touched down in what is considered the first time in history a jet propelled airplane was trailing a "1991 World Champs" banner. All though a little rugged from the long flight it held up quite well. Next came the group from Washington which produced a small scare. Smoke was seen coming from the cabin and emergency vehicles were scrambled but in the end no fire was reported. FAA investigators are still looking into the matter but some reports say the DEA has been contacted. As they landed one after another handshakes and hugs were seen all over the tarmac. In what many consider the most financially successful and well run season to date there was a lot of Christmas cheer to go around.
The first night and day went by innocently enough. The weather was unseasonably warm and a few of the GM's from the colder climates were actually seen at the pool. Some shows were taken in, a few gentlemen clubs saw an increase in business, and two GM's had to be wheel-chaired back to their rooms due to being a slight bit tipsy. The police were also called to Sapphire's after reports that 'someone got a little too touchy' but no charges were filed. This got a lot of laughs and a few head shakes...if only they knew what was to come.
What sparked the keg will probably be discussed for years to come, because as of now no one is really sure. Here is what we've put together from video surveillance, police reports, and eye witnesses. It seems that most of the owners were partaking at the MGM "Grand Buffet" at 1:34 PM local time. As several owners got up for seconds, some sort of squabble developed near the honey baked ham line. From the video surveillance you can see the Los Lunas group and the local boys from Sin City say something as Virginia walked by. Virginia then snapped their fingers and Washington came running over from his seat. Some more words were exchanged and then all hell broke loose.
Eye witnesses reported hearing something about "Stout can suck it" before the first punch was thrown...a punch that caused Sin City to completely take out two baskets of rolls and a cold dish of butter. Quickly jumping to his feet though he rushed back at Washington only to find himself in a headlock by Virginia. Even though the old man lost a lot of weight recently apparently he didn't forget how to fight.
Pittsburgh then got into the mix by running around chanting inspirational messages and pleading for the violence to stop. He was quickly knocked out by Pawtucket who then went searching for Maine even though he wasn't at lunch. He was last heard running down the hall screaming "I'll get you yet."
As security rushed in they seemed to be getting things under control when another fight broke out. From surveillance video you can see Batavia and Baltimore stand up at the same time, a blur of a food tray, then Batavia hit the floor. Seconds later you can see Baltimore on top of a table throwing money down on Batavia. Witnesses later wrote in a statement taken by the LVPD that Baltimore was "laughing hysterically" and kept say, "I told you what would happen if you brought up money one more time bitch!"
The entire Pilser then got into the they ran around the room holding hands and clothes lining random GM's all while screaming "Rule 5, Rule 5!" Down went Cali, down went Carolina, down went some random Asian tourist. In a tag team match that would have made the WWF proud they successfully took down five people (3 BLB GM's, and two random folk) before Dallas tripped and fell to the ground, bringing the rest of the group with him. They were quickly subdued by security.
As the sound of batons smacking legs and the smell of pepper spray filled the room time seemed to stand still. In that one moment everyone was suddenly focused on one lone individual who walked by the buffet entrance smoking a Cuban cigar with a gorgeous girl on each arm. With shouts of "what's he doing here" and "he's still in the league?" it was none other than the Los Alamos GM. Just as quickly as he came though he flashed a huge smile and was gone again, disappearing like smoke on a windy day.
When the final tally was done MGM reported that there was $14,350 in damages while the LVPD chalked up six arrests. Since all the GM's declined to press charges the few folks that made the trip downtown were quickly fingerprinted, photographed, and released. They were all quickly shuttled into a large van driven by the GM from Windy City who gave them all a stern look and repeated "I told you so" to each individual. MGM also officially trespassed all BLB GM's and their affiliated parties for life from their property.
BLB commissioner George W. Bush could not be reached for this story but friends close to the presidents son have reported that he "wished he was there," and that it "sounded like a helluva party."Tags: None
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