The 2038 year isn't yet in the books but the award ballots have been cast. With Matt producing the Brewski's at the end of the year, I thought putting out something early would be beneficial. Plus, if I'm going to write this every year it gives me a wide range of time to complete it. Maybe it's out the first week of September? Maybe the last week of August? Maybe even after the season? I'll complete it when I can. Maybe if it gets enough traction it can be bought out by the Brewski's or we can get our own cool logo. The Baseball News Network is excited to announce the 1st (hopefully) annual Light Beer Awards Show... light on insight and even lighter on content.
This article was supposed to be a lot longer. With not only long blurbs about what each award means specifically, what each winner did above the rest but also runners up. Links. Photos. Colors. Slick format. Somehow I just lost it after putting the final touches on it. I'm not even sure what happened. Podcast format is the future to avoid shit like this. But, in the ultimate irony, these awards are very light this year. Ultra light. Enjoy FWIW.
Most Valuable Player

SP Barton Mejia, WC
Defense Player Of The Year

SS Dusty Kocurek, NO
6th Man Of The Year

CF Jacob Nation, PIT
Best Of The Who?

SS Kenyon Garcia, IND
Best Value Pitcher

SP Erik Cortese, WIL
Best Value Hitter

RF Brendon Matson, NO
GM Of The Year

Carlos Hernandez, DEN