PITTSBURGH(AP)- When the summer rolls around along the river in the great city of Pittsburgh the residents of the steel city can rely on summer baseball at Kennywood park. While they’re enjoying the weather and the atmosphere of the park, they can always count on their favorite team to knock the ball over the fences. Historically, Kennywood is one of, if not the most power hitter friendly park in the game. This year in particular, the fans of the boys in black and gold are hoping for a lot of summer time home runs…(hoping for more in the fall, but that’s a different story). While they’ll see Dave Shook blast a few into the river, and Jamie Davis bring down the house with his mammoth 450ft blasts, the fans will also get to see the best power hitters in the game (and possibly quite a few current and former Millers) take part in one of America’s favorite summertime events, the 2016 Home Run derby. Curious to know what the players will be donning as they smash a little white ball far into the midsummer night? Today is your lucky day! We are proud to introduce the 2016 DL and IL HRD jerseys!

Possible participants could include:
Jamie Davis, PIT (16 HR)
Dave Shook (14 HR)
Darryl Dellinger, HAR (19HR)
Danny Gomez (13 HR)
TJ Dunn, MAI (13HR)
Ethan Bafford PHI (17)
Willie Rosales DVS (16)
Zach Henne LAA (13)
Travis Kemp DVS(13)
*credit to mike for the article

Possible participants could include:
Jamie Davis, PIT (16 HR)
Dave Shook (14 HR)
Darryl Dellinger, HAR (19HR)
Danny Gomez (13 HR)
TJ Dunn, MAI (13HR)
Ethan Bafford PHI (17)
Willie Rosales DVS (16)
Zach Henne LAA (13)
Travis Kemp DVS(13)
*credit to mike for the article