BLB Network -- As the 2014 season approaches the August 31 waiver trade deadline, let's take a look at the pennant, wildcard, and award races as we push through September call-ups and into the postseason. This season showed the true effect of realignment as races have been more compact and focused inside division lines. Enjoy this punny, pop culture filled analysis of the BLB down the stretch...

Projected Winner:
Pawtucket - The Patriots have soldiered on (get it?) despite their GM's exPatriation (get it?) from the league. Pawtucket has the best record in the league, leads in almost every team category for hitting and pitching, and has kept an injury riddled Maine team at musket (get it?) length all season.

Projected Winner:
Los Angeles - Pat Yahn is still dominant, Marco Lona continues to thrive, Dave Perkins isn't hurt, Pat St. Thomas is about to go back-to-back 40 bomb seasons, JR Goeman is having a career year, and Jamie McPerson just got to Hollywood. 'Nuff said.

Projected Winner:
Syracuse - Slammer's GM Jake was recently caught singing the lines from Adele's hit, "Hello" to pictures of Indianapolis and Pittsburgh's GMs on his iPhone on the team flight last week. The video went viral, eliciting this response, "Maybe we'll see one of those two on the other side of the playoffs. Maybe not. We're playing some great baseball this season." When pushed further, Jake would only say, "I'm sorry for everything I've done," nudging the reporters mic away.

Projected Winner:
Washington - With Batman driven from Washington, Robin has quietly kept the Bats atop the standings each month. This is the closest division in baseball. It's been that way all season. Many Bat watchers say the season comes down to a 3 game home stand versus rival Baltimore in the shadow of the Capitol Building.

Projected Winner:
Batavia - The Muckdogs have left their opponents in the dust since the first week. Matt's team has enjoyed a double digit lead all season, prompting the normally quiet GM to re-emerge in league circles. He even posted a selfie on Twitter with 35-year-old starter Diego Martinez tagged "#wheelchairnight. A 13 game lead in mid-August will do that for you.

Projected Winner:
Death Valley - Usually a free wheeling, heavy dealing GM, Vegas GM umd has been quiet. They brought back legendary 1B Danny Salcedo to give him a shot at a title and traded for a broken down Pat 'Wildfire' Bryant. Bryant, upon returning to his condominium at City Center, threw Salcedo a "Legends Party" that featured Drag Queen versions of Michael Jackson, Celine Deon, Chris Angel and Carrot Top as himself.

Domestic League

Domestic League

The Guides, despite their injuries, hold a 10 game wildcard lead. It's basically impossible for this ER team to be any more injured. Maine's GM even had some fun with it, running out to a Voodoo post game interview and wrapping him in bubble wrap right in the middle of the interview.
Denver and Indianapolis have ping ponged back and forth all season, neither really taking control of the race. Expect that continue until the final week. The loss of CF Jimmy Gray is a huge blow to the Clowns.
Denver and Indianapolis have ping ponged back and forth all season, neither really taking control of the race. Expect that continue until the final week. The loss of CF Jimmy Gray is a huge blow to the Clowns.
Import League

With the potential GM of the Year, Baltimore has at least a wildcard locked down. There's also a strong shot at a division title. Since declaring the Wildcard race over in July, Carolina has played sub .500 baseball, while the newbie led Kodiaks have surged. Barring a late minute addition by always overconfident Squid, the formerly moribund Kodiaks have a real shot at stunning the IL.
Award Winners
Domestic League
GM of the Year - Z (Maine)
Stout Slugger - Voodoo Davila (Maine)
Pale Ale - Pat Yahn (Los Angeles)
Last Call - RJ Manning (Denver)
New Brew - Jimmy Gray (Indianapolis)
Import League
GM of the Year - Delandis (Baltimore)
Stout Slugger - Jimmy Rosema (Baltimore)
Pale Ale - Edgar Mejia (Carolina)
Last Call - Jarod Goldberg (Batavia)
New Brew - Jaylin Mitchell (Wilmington)
GM of the Year - Z (Maine)
Stout Slugger - Voodoo Davila (Maine)
Pale Ale - Pat Yahn (Los Angeles)
Last Call - RJ Manning (Denver)
New Brew - Jimmy Gray (Indianapolis)
Import League
GM of the Year - Delandis (Baltimore)
Stout Slugger - Jimmy Rosema (Baltimore)
Pale Ale - Edgar Mejia (Carolina)
Last Call - Jarod Goldberg (Batavia)
New Brew - Jaylin Mitchell (Wilmington)