Detroit, Michigan (AP) -- From the desk of his Mock office set-up at the construction site of FAYGO FIELD in Detroit, Virginia Colonials Owner and President, Clay T. Shaver held a small press conference for a group of assembled media.
SHAVER: I'd like to thank you all for coming. Pardon our dust. What you see around you here is the future of the BLB. When FAYGO FIELD is complete, it will be the most state of the art facility in all of baseball. No expense is being spared to make this the place to play and watch baseball in the 80's.
I've asked you here today to announce a new addition to our little UNION. I've ask T.J. Cutini, from the Play Ball '82 Group that is currently seeking expansion within our league, to take over high level operations of our AA affiliate in Roanoke. I met Mr. Cutini back when I was still practicing law. My old firm, Shaver & Lick, represented Mr. Cutini in his last 6 divorces. We welcome him to the family. Well, it's kinda temporary... so we welcome him like an exchange student or something like that.
REPORTER: What attracted you to Cutini?
SHAVER: Well, the Mrs and I were at the Air Supply show last weekend and we bumped into TJ and the future ex-Mrs TJ. We got talkin' and here we are.
REPORTER: What are your expectation?
SHAVER: I expect results. Period. He knows that. He's going to be my eyes and ears in the farm system. He's taking advantage of a situation to get inside information about this league before he ever has to write a check. In return. I better get 100% dedication. He's not the Charlotte owner yet... he's running Roanoke.
OH... and he has to have all the uniforms packed for Flint by the end of the season.
REPORTER: Can we talk about Eric Cafferty's contract?
SHAVER: We don't have that kind of time, my friend.
Anything else, go bother TJ.