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BLB Championship Prize Pool

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  • BLB Championship Prize Pool

    Hey guys. I don't want to step on anyone's toes since this was not originally brought up by me (I think Clay first brought it to the forums attention), but I haven't heard anything about it since it was first brought up and I think it's a great idea, I've been thinking a lot about it, and would love to head it up and get it organized. I'm also avoiding any real work I'm supposed to be doing. I'm talking, of course, about laying some monopoly money and marlboro bucks down on the BLB.

    I think the number one key is to make the "game" as fair as possible for the entire league. That eliminates flat fees to buy in (eg 5 bucks a piece). I've come up with a "weighted" system that I think works out really well which I get into below. I also ran through some examples which are also below. If anyone can come up with a better way to rank the teams other than the previous season's records, post it here.

    Of course, just like the rule changes, please criticize or find holes or just plain tell me I'm stupid. Anyways, here we go.

    OVERVIEW: The basic premise is that whoever wants to put money up can. And whoever doesn't, doesn't have to. If a team buys into the championship pool, and they win, they win the entire pool. If a team that does not buy in wins the BLB, the pool carries over to the next season.

    DEADLINES: I was thinking we could do this one of two different ways. Either a no nonsense deadline (e.g. 8 pm of Opening Day). If the money isn't paypal'd to me by that time, oh well. Or, I was thinking we could do a late fee. Something like... you can buy in for the normal fee before 8 p.m. on Opening Day, or for $1 dollar more, you can buy in after the first sim but no later than 8 p.m. on the day of the second sim of the season. This would put a little more cash in the pot (maybe) and might get a few more guys in who have a good first week. I guess for that matter, it might get a few less guys who have a bad first week. Anyways, feedback please.

    BUY INS: The money each team would have to put up would be determined by previous years results. The two teams who played for the BLB championship would be automatically ranked 1 and 2; spots 3-24 would be determined by overall record. The buy ins listed below are set up to be "top heavy" and "bottom light," so that the worst teams get the best odds and vice versa. For now, I have it set up from $1-$12 dollars, although I'm sure some people would like that to be more. It would be easy to redo the numbers to go from $1-$25, or $5-$35, or whatever you guys wanted to pay. Here is how the teams would be ranked, with buy in, for the 1986 season.

    24th (MIS): $1
    23rd (DAV): $2
    22nd (LA): $2
    21st (DEN): $2
    20th (CAL): $3
    19th (HAR): $3
    18th (SIN): $4
    17th (PAW): $4
    16th (MOR): $4
    15th (SYR): $5
    14th (HYU): $5
    13th (DAL): $6
    12th (TIE: WC): $6.50 (Normally 6)
    11th (TIE: BAL): $6.50 (Normally 7)
    10th (BAT): $7
    9th (VIR): $8
    8th (LOS): $8
    7th (PHI): $9
    6th (IND): $9
    5th (WAS): $10
    4th (WIL): $10
    3rd (PIT): $10
    2nd (CAR): $11 (BLB runner up)
    1st (MAI): $12 (BLB Champion)

    TIE-BREAKERS:Tiebreaker is Pythagorean record. If the Pythagorean records are also even, the teams tied split the total of the spots(as it happened between Windy City and Baltimore in 1985).

    CHAMPION DISCLAIMER: When someone wins the BLB and the pool, their entrance to the pool for the next season is automatically deducted out of their winnings to "get the pool rolling." (Example: Maine wins the $148 dollar pool in 1985. Andrew gets $136 dollars and the other $12 goes into the 1986 pool.)

    MATH/EXAMPLES: If everyone bought into the pool with a zero balance to start, there would be $148 in the prize pool. I'm sure that not everyone will want to participate, but for the first example let's assume everyone does. I should also mention that when I say "odds," I just mean the payout you'll get on your money if you win the BLB.

    Total pool: $148
    Random Teams Odds:
    Mississippi: 148/1
    Denver: 74/1
    Pawtucket: 37/1
    Dallas: 24.6/1
    Los Lunas: 18.5/1
    Washington: 14.5/1
    Maine: 12.33/1

    Ok. I think those numbers work out great. The most expensive buy in - Maine - still gets 12.33/1 odds. In real life, we all know Maine is more like 5/2 to win every year. So it still makes financial sense for teams like Washington (14.5/1) to buy in. On the other hand, Mississippi gets 148/1 odds. That also is high (or maybe low... sorry spectre), but I would think that at only 1 dollar for the 24th place team, it's a fair way to get into the pool. And I think every team can say they're getting great value for their money. Feedback?

    Alright, example 2. Only some teams buy in, and they are mostly the cheaper buy ins: (DEN-2, DAV-2, HAR-3, CAL-3, MOR-4, PAW-4, SYR-5, DAL-6, WC-6.5, IND-9, WASH-10, MAI-12). Total cash = 66.50

    Appx. Odds:
    DEN 33/1
    HAR 22/1
    MOR 16.6/1
    SYR 13/1
    IND 7.3/1
    WAS 6.6/1
    MAI 5.5/1

    Example 3 (Mostly high buy-in teams)
    (MIS-1, CAL-3, PAW-4, SIN-4, HYU-5, DAL-6, BAT-7, LOS-8, VIR-8, PHI-9, WAS-10, PIT-10, CAR-11, MAI-12). Total = 88

    Appx. Odds:
    MIS 88/1
    CAL 29/1
    PAW 22/1
    HYU 17.6/1
    BAT 12.5/1
    VIR 11/1
    PHI 9.7/1
    PIT 8.8/1
    CAR 8/1
    MAI 7.3/1

    Those two examples obviously do not provide the same "value" that you get when everyone plays. However, I don't think that they're neccessarily terrible by any means. In addition, the chance of the pool "rolling over" increase and the next season those odds could be doubled. But any feedback or ideas on how to handle pools that are not full is definately appreciated.

    ROLLOVER: In the event that a team who did not participate in the pool wins the BLB championship, I think there are four options:

    Option 1: The entire pool rolls over to the next season.
    Option 2: Of the teams that bought in, the highest finishing team wins the entire pool.
    Option 3: Of the teams that bought in, the highest finishing team gets their money back. The rest of the pool rolls over.
    Option 4 (my favorite): Of the teams that bought in, the highest finishing team gets double their buy in back. The rest of the pool rolls over. In example 3, if Carolina finished with the best record, they would get $22 back and $72 would roll over for the next season.

    Alright. Back to reality. If you all could, respond with the following things:

    1) Would you participate in something like this?
    2) What is the range of buy ins you think is appropriate (e.g. $1-$12)?
    3) Any criticisms, comments, what you like, don't like, etc.
    4) Your thoughts on pools that roll over (or not rollover depending on what you think).

    Thanks guys.

    also - I put this in the main BLB forum because I thought it would get the most traffic, but if it needs to be moved I'm sorry for the inconvienence.
    Last edited by Jake; 02-04-2009, 11:43 PM.
    Charlotte Knights - OSFL
    Syracuse Slammers - BLB
    South America - 1984 WBC Runner Up

  • #2
    1) I probably won't participate
    2) I think $1-$12 is a good start
    3) Do we take paypal fees into account or not?
    4) Regarding rollovers, I like the idea of the pot rolling over but I don't think teams that didn't buy in should be eligible to win rolled over money from the following season.

    Pat is cheap so doesn't buy in in 1986, 1987, or 1988. The pot rolls over each year so now we're looking at a $300 + pot. Pat likes his chances in 1989 though and decides to buy in. If he wins the championship he should only be eligible to win the 1989 money since he didn't participate in the rest.

    However, this could make for a record keeping nightmare so it might be best to just give the money to the highest team that participated.
    Last edited by Andrew; 02-05-2009, 07:55 AM.


    • #3
      I probably won't do it because I know I'm going to tank in the 1st round every year.


      • #4
        I'm passing as well. I'm just not comfortable mixing leisure with money, even if it is a small amount. That way I can sit on the sidelines when the fighting starts.
        Bock Division Champions - 1978, 1979, 1980, 1982, 1986, 1990, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009
        Wildcard Playoff Berths - 1984, 1988, 1993, 2010
        Import League Champions - 1978, 1979, 1980, 1986, 2008, 2009
        BLB Champions - 1986, 2009
        Hall of Famers: 4
        Pale Ale Pitcher Awards: 6
        Stout Sluggers: 2
        New Brews: 6

        Originally posted by fsquid
        You guys should trade with Windy City.


        • #5
          Sounds like a good idea, but I am not much of a gambler even if it is only 12 bucks. So I doubt I would participate. I only get involved in a pool for March Madness and Fantasy Football.
          OSFL: Lake County Extreme 2008-2028, 2010 Champions
          BLB: Morgantown MoHawks
          BBA: Star City Shooters


          • #6
            I'm out until I get a BLB level roster...

            So I'm thinking about 6 game years and I'll finally start putting some money in the pot.
            California Kodiaks - GM - 1982-2013
            Brewmaster's Cups: 1987
            Import League Champions: 1987, 1989
            Porter Division Champions:
            1986, 1987, 1989, 1999
            , 2000
            Import League Wild Card: 2001, 2003, 2004


            • #7
              When two of the top teams don't want in, I doubt teams with a smaller chance of victory are going to be participating.

              It's a nice idea, but I could never bet money in anything. Just doesn't work out for me...ever.

              I still prefer the idea of a league trophy that travels around after each season. Could be a problem if a guy drops out/gets pissed off/something stupid and immature, leaves/gets thrown out the league and decides not to give it to Andrew during the season.

              But, with money already going to host the site. If we fell on extra cash, perhaps a small percentage of that surplus could go toward a small little trophy. I don't know.
              Denver Bulls


              • #8
                Originally posted by The Pride View Post
                I still prefer the idea of a league trophy that travels around after each season. Could be a problem if a guy drops out/gets pissed off/something stupid and immature, leaves/gets thrown out the league and decides not to give it to Andrew during the season.
                I've been in active pursuit of the trophy for the last 4 weeks. It might not be till Garage Sale season. I don't want to spend $20-$30 on a new one (I'd rather donate that money to the site for the new host).... but the traveling trophy thing will happen.
                The Great One!

                To many rings to count...


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Jistic View Post
                  I'm passing as well. I'm just not comfortable mixing leisure with money, even if it is a small amount. That way I can sit on the sidelines when the fighting starts.
                  Cosign. I think it would be better if it were something in-game related or something that could be done on the site. Like a shrine with real pictures of the winning GM's or something.

                  Baltimore Bulldogs - BLB since '84
                  - Porter Champs: '92, '93, '97, '98, '01, '03, '06, '08, '12
                  - Playoffs: '92, '93, '97, '98, '99, '01, '03, '06, '08, '12, '13, '14, '15, '16
                  - Brewmaster's Cup: '01


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by elprez98 View Post
                    Cosign. I think it would be better if it were something in-game related or something that could be done on the site. Like a shrine with real pictures of the winning GM's or something.

                    A shrine, now there's an idea! Maybe the rest of us should be encouraged to say a prayer to the winner twice a day or so too.


                    • #11
                      Well, it looks like it is only going to be me and Wolf and the rest of you can sit back and watch us squabble. I'm game. As I understand it for this season, I put up $2 and Wolf $5, if neither of us wins it all, we recalculate contributions at the end of next season based on how we did in 1986 and add those to this year's contributions and so on.

                      With just two of us in, I suggest the loser just pays up at the end, which could be a long time from now. I'm good for it and I trust Wolf will be too.


                      • #12
                        I like this idea too and I would be in but it doesn't seem like there are enough teams interested.

                        Andrew, what if we risked in-game money? We would of course plus everything up a instead of $12 it would be something more substantial, like $120,000.

                        Is that possible? Would that be a lot of work to do once a season?
                        Dallas Snappers

                        Pilsner Champs: 1984, 1986, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998
                        DL Wild card: 1992


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Jim View Post
                          I like this idea too and I would be in but it doesn't seem like there are enough teams interested.

                          Andrew, what if we risked in-game money? We would of course plus everything up a instead of $12 it would be something more substantial, like $120,000.

                          Is that possible? Would that be a lot of work to do once a season?
                          Actually that's not a bad idea. If we did in game money, everybody would participate so we'd be talking about a decent bonus for the champ every year.

                          I don't think it would be that difficult. It would just be another calculation into the bonuses sheet at the end of the year. I'd still only need to edit in game cash once for each team.


                          • #14
                            Here's how I would suggest doing it:

                            <table x:str="" style="border-collapse: collapse; width: 147pt;" width="196" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><col style="width: 83pt;" width="111"> <col style="width: 64pt;" width="85"> <tbody><tr style="height: 12.75pt;" height="17"> <td style="height: 12.75pt; width: 83pt;" x:num="" width="111" align="right" height="17">1</td> <td class="xl23" style="width: 64pt;" x:num="240000" width="85" align="right">$240,000</td> </tr> <tr style="height: 12.75pt;" height="17"> <td style="height: 12.75pt;" x:num="" align="right" height="17">2</td> <td class="xl23" x:num="230000" align="right">$230,000</td> </tr> <tr style="height: 12.75pt;" height="17"> <td style="height: 12.75pt;" x:num="" align="right" height="17">3</td> <td class="xl23" x:num="220000" align="right">$220,000</td> </tr> <tr style="height: 12.75pt;" height="17"> <td style="height: 12.75pt;" x:num="" align="right" height="17">4</td> <td class="xl23" x:num="210000" align="right">$210,000</td> </tr> <tr style="height: 12.75pt;" height="17"> <td style="height: 12.75pt;" x:num="" align="right" height="17">5</td> <td class="xl23" x:num="200000" align="right">$200,000</td> </tr> <tr style="height: 12.75pt;" height="17"> <td style="height: 12.75pt;" x:num="" align="right" height="17">6</td> <td class="xl23" x:num="190000" align="right">$190,000</td> </tr> <tr style="height: 12.75pt;" height="17"> <td style="height: 12.75pt;" x:num="" align="right" height="17">7</td> <td class="xl23" x:num="180000" align="right">$180,000</td> </tr> <tr style="height: 12.75pt;" height="17"> <td style="height: 12.75pt;" x:num="" align="right" height="17">8</td> <td class="xl23" x:num="170000" align="right">$170,000</td> </tr> <tr style="height: 12.75pt;" height="17"> <td style="height: 12.75pt;" x:num="" align="right" height="17">9</td> <td class="xl23" x:num="160000" align="right">$160,000</td> </tr> <tr style="height: 12.75pt;" height="17"> <td style="height: 12.75pt;" x:num="" align="right" height="17">10</td> <td class="xl23" x:num="150000" align="right">$150,000</td> </tr> <tr style="height: 12.75pt;" height="17"> <td style="height: 12.75pt;" x:num="" align="right" height="17">11</td> <td class="xl23" x:num="140000" align="right">$140,000</td> </tr> <tr style="height: 12.75pt;" height="17"> <td style="height: 12.75pt;" x:num="" align="right" height="17">12</td> <td class="xl23" x:num="130000" align="right">$130,000</td> </tr> <tr style="height: 12.75pt;" height="17"> <td style="height: 12.75pt;" x:num="" align="right" height="17">13</td> <td class="xl23" x:num="120000" align="right">$120,000</td> </tr> <tr style="height: 12.75pt;" height="17"> <td style="height: 12.75pt;" x:num="" align="right" height="17">14</td> <td class="xl23" x:num="110000" align="right">$110,000</td> </tr> <tr style="height: 12.75pt;" height="17"> <td style="height: 12.75pt;" x:num="" align="right" height="17">15</td> <td class="xl23" x:num="100000" align="right">$100,000</td> </tr> <tr style="height: 12.75pt;" height="17"> <td style="height: 12.75pt;" x:num="" align="right" height="17">16</td> <td class="xl23" x:num="90000" align="right">$90,000</td> </tr> <tr style="height: 12.75pt;" height="17"> <td style="height: 12.75pt;" x:num="" align="right" height="17">17</td> <td class="xl23" x:num="80000" align="right">$80,000</td> </tr> <tr style="height: 12.75pt;" height="17"> <td style="height: 12.75pt;" x:num="" align="right" height="17">18</td> <td class="xl23" x:num="70000" align="right">$70,000</td> </tr> <tr style="height: 12.75pt;" height="17"> <td style="height: 12.75pt;" x:num="" align="right" height="17">19</td> <td class="xl23" x:num="60000" align="right">$60,000</td> </tr> <tr style="height: 12.75pt;" height="17"> <td style="height: 12.75pt;" x:num="" align="right" height="17">20</td> <td class="xl23" x:num="50000" align="right">$50,000</td> </tr> <tr style="height: 12.75pt;" height="17"> <td style="height: 12.75pt;" x:num="" align="right" height="17">21</td> <td class="xl23" x:num="40000" align="right">$40,000</td> </tr> <tr style="height: 12.75pt;" height="17"> <td style="height: 12.75pt;" x:num="" align="right" height="17">22</td> <td class="xl23" x:num="30000" align="right">$30,000</td> </tr> <tr style="height: 12.75pt;" height="17"> <td style="height: 12.75pt;" x:num="" align="right" height="17">23</td> <td class="xl23" x:num="20000" align="right">$20,000</td> </tr> <tr style="height: 12.75pt;" height="17"> <td style="height: 12.75pt;" x:num="" align="right" height="17">24</td> <td class="xl23" x:num="10000" align="right">$10,000</td> </tr> <tr style="height: 12.75pt;" height="17"> <td class="xl22" style="height: 12.75pt;" height="17">Total</td> <td class="xl24" x:num="3000000" x:fmla="=SUM(B1:B24)" align="right">$3,000,000</td> </tr> </tbody></table>


                            • #15
                              I like it.

                              Baltimore Bulldogs - BLB since '84
                              - Porter Champs: '92, '93, '97, '98, '01, '03, '06, '08, '12
                              - Playoffs: '92, '93, '97, '98, '99, '01, '03, '06, '08, '12, '13, '14, '15, '16
                              - Brewmaster's Cup: '01

