Next SIM Friday 9/22
League file is up. HTML and Utility in process
Files due by 7am ET | 4am PT
Stat of the Day!
Roster Violations:
A Ball Age (24yrs+): PHX (2), SYR (5), IND (1), WC(1), CAR(3), CAL(2)
Checked A Ball age for the first time in a bit and found a few issues. No moves made this SIM, but next SIM players will be promoted if there's room; DFA if there's not. Thanks!
League file is up. HTML and Utility in process
Files due by 7am ET | 4am PT
Stat of the Day!
Roster Violations:
A Ball Age (24yrs+): PHX (2), SYR (5), IND (1), WC(1), CAR(3), CAL(2)
Checked A Ball age for the first time in a bit and found a few issues. No moves made this SIM, but next SIM players will be promoted if there's room; DFA if there's not. Thanks!