Going to try something to speed up this process a little.
When the new file goes up Friday morning, I'm going to open up a thread. In that thread I need all 24 owners to either post something to effect of LIST SENT and send me a Rule V Draft list OR simply post the word PASS if you're not participating. Once I've heard from all 24 owners, I'm running the SIM.
Worst case scenario, we don't run till Monday. But, if I can run earlier, I'd like to.
When the new file goes up Friday morning, I'm going to open up a thread. In that thread I need all 24 owners to either post something to effect of LIST SENT and send me a Rule V Draft list OR simply post the word PASS if you're not participating. Once I've heard from all 24 owners, I'm running the SIM.
Worst case scenario, we don't run till Monday. But, if I can run earlier, I'd like to.